Learn More About

Catholic Women Association

Brief Information
Group Photo

The Association started with eight (8) members under the leadership of Kate Effah Amankwaa. After one-to-one and house-to-house preaching of the Good News by the executives, the numbers quickly rose to fifty (50). The society was officially inaugurated on 10th March, 1997 by Rev. Fr. Oppong Baah, the parish priest.


1. It is open to all women in the Catholic Church.

2. You become a member when you have been accepted by the executives at a particular meeting.

3. A new member would be asked to pay an entrance fee, and a membership card will be issued.

4. The Association constitute the following to form the executive board;
- Chairperson
- Vice chairperson
- Secretary
- Ass. Secretary
- Financial Secretary
- Orgarnizer
- Tresurer

5. The association shall have one priest who will see to all activities of the association.

6. In case a member dies, the station shall provide a Cross to be fixed at the member’s grave.

7. Each member shall pay a monthly dues
Aims and Objectives

1. To bring most of the women in the church together.
2. To train Catholic women to show love to one another.
3. To educate women to be faithful and loyal to their family as Mary, Joseph and Jesus did.
4. To show compassion to everybody in the society.
5. Have a good training for our children and ourselves.
Group Photos

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Mass Schedule
Sunday Mass: 6:00am, 8:00am, 10:00am
Weekdays Morning Mass – Monday to Friday: 6:00am
Weekdays Midday Mass – Monday to Friday: 12:00pm
Anticipatory Mass – Saturday: 6:00pm
Youth Mass – 7:00pm